Recognizing the need for innovative solutions to assist governments in meeting these challenges, Provident established its CitiState Resources Division to pursue projects designed to lessen the burdens of government and foster economic development.
"Provident's efforts to assist government in lessening its burdens goes to the heart of what Provident is about, because by helping state and local government we are really helping the citizens of the communities we serve."
As anyone who watches or reads the news knows, government at all levels is faced with unprecedented challenges in delivering essential public services in the current economic environment. Recognizing the need for innovative solutions to assist governments in meeting these challenges, Provident established its CitiState Resources Division to pursue projects designed to lessen the burdens of government and foster economic development. We are committed to easing the financial and budgetary constraints of state and local governments through various means, including the development, financing, construction, management, and operation of public facilities, government buildings, and various systems of public infrastructure essential to delivering government services and supporting private sector economic activity.